genU recognises volunteer efforts

June 2, 2024 BY

genU volunteers Laurie and Lynne Hill were awarded by genU for their 15 years of volunteer service at last week’s ceremony. Photos: SUPPLIED

VOLUNTEERS at local disability service genU were recognised for their efforts over the past year and celebrated volunteer milestones at a special ceremony.

The service’s volunteers were presented with awards as part of National Volunteer Week, as 40 genU volunteers gathered at the Eastern Hub community centre in East Geelong last week.

The crowd also congratulated 16 volunteers who went on to receive awards for milestone years of service.

genU chief operating officer for community, residential and pathways Travis Heeney presented the awards, describing the impact genU’s volunteers have on the service.

“They are outstanding and give selflessly to help brighten our clients’ days by being there when they are needed, and bringing an array of talents, skills and knowledge,” Mr Heeney said.

“Volunteers contribute enormously, and in a diverse number of ways, whether it’s as a companion, sharing a cuppa and a conversation, playing scrabble, or other arrangements that have a positive impact with our clients.

genU COO Travis Heeney with Laurie Hill for his 15 years’ service of genU volunteering.

“Through volunteering, people turn their passions and interests into a purpose, and all our volunteers should be truly proud of that achievement.”

Among the milestone recipients, Lynne and Laurie Hill were awarded for 15 years of service.

“We get satisfaction from seeing people happy, not being lonely, feeling worthwhile and reaching their full potential,” the couple said.

genU COO Travis Heeney (left) presenting Dianne Harris with her genU volunteering service award.

genU acting CEO Travis Neal said celebrating genU volunteers was vital for acknowledging how their acts of generosity and kindness play such a big part supporting people.

“One of clients has described the role her volunteer plays as ‘an essential service’ and we agree with this sentiment,” Mr Neal said.

“Our volunteers make an invaluable contribution and have a huge impact. We need to make sure this service doesn’t go unnoticed, and volunteers feel respected and appreciated.”

genU is consistently on the lookout for new members. To become a genU volunteer, phone 5282 0038 to find out how to apply.