Golden hits a plenty at Potato Shed

October 31, 2019 BY

The concert will include some of the biggest hits of the last century - as well as songs chosen because they are simply beautiful.

WANDER through the best songs of the 20th Century at the Potato Shed’s next instalment of the Morning Show Time Series next month.
Presented by Geelong’s own Drop of a Hatband, Golden Hits of the 20th Century will have attendees singing along to the best music of the twentieth century.
Playing beautiful renditions of timeless classics, Drop of a Hatband place the music into historical context, telling stories behind the songs they will perform for your listening pleasure.
The band is unusual, in that it comprises four excellent musicians and a researcher/historian. It has two top individual vocalists in Geoff Sinnbeck and Shirley Power, backed by superb musicians Matiss Schubert and Sandy Brady.
The fifth member, Colin Mockett, adds all that background information along with an injection of fun – and takes on the odd vocal, too.
The concert contains some of the biggest hits of the last century – as well as songs chosen because they were simply beautiful.
And as is standard with Drop Of A Hat productions, the concert will be enhanced by big-screen images of the real artists while the Hatband interprets their music live.
Golden Hits of the 20th Century is at the Potato Shed on Tuesday November 12 at 10.30am.
Tickets cost $17 and includes refreshments.
Book now at or phone 5251 1998.