Grant delivered to Ocean Mind

November 14, 2019 BY

A TORQUAY-based charity has received a significant grant to help them aid young people at risk.

Australia Post recently announced the recipients of their 2019 Community Grants program, with $10,000 going to Ocean Mind.

The group offers young people a six-week monitoring program that combines surfing, friendship and mentoring.

It helps participants form a sense of connection and builds self-efficacy and confidence while developing local community connections.

Ocean Mind chief executive officer Rachel Parker said the grant would help them expand and reach more people in need.

“Receiving the 2019 Australia Post Grant means we can continue to provide more life-changing opportunities for young people. Every week we are inundated with referrals to the program. The waiting list is growing and growing.”

“This grant will allow us to run more programs, reaching more young people and training the community to better support young people through mental health challenges.”

Ocean Mind is a not-for-profit organisations, making volunteers very important to them. There are a range of role for people happy to give some of their time.

To register as a volunteer, head to