Grant helps Suzy find her key

September 28, 2023 BY

Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine volunteer and musician Grant Chapple and Drysdale resident Suzy Malouf at one of their weekly music sessions. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

AN Ocean Grove musician is helping a local woman find her rhythm again thanks to a Bellarine-based not-for-profit support service.

Musician and new Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine volunteer Grant Chapple joined the support service a couple months ago to help improve the lives of clients through his love of music.

A month ago, Mr Chapple was introduced to 64-year-old Drysdale woman Suzy Malouf, who had attempted several times to reignite her love of piano while battling illness.

After a two-year hiatus and through Mr Chapple’s assistance, Ms Malouf resumed her playing days and said she was enjoying every minute of it.

“It’s a lot of fun playing with Grant,” Ms Malouf said.

“It gives me something to look forward to and something to apply myself to, learning new songs, it has also allowed me to get back into singing as well, which is something I have always loved to do.”

Ms Malouf was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer a year ago and can spend hours in bed on any particular day, but she always looks forward to her weekly musical sessions.

“I’m constantly asking Grant to come back the next day. It’s really turned me around, I’m definitely a lot happier.”

Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine was formed in 2019 by a small group of locals who recognised there were few everyday emotional and physical support networks for people on the Bellarine.

The organisation works closely with Bellarine Community Health Palliative Care Team for referrals and has assisted 37 people in the past two years.

Referrals largely come from Bellarine Community Health, but they can also come through other medical practitioners or self-referrals.

Mr Chapple said it is most rewarding part of volunteering to have his clients feel inspired through the expression of music.

“Suzy has a wonderful country voice, the first time we sat down together, she felt around the keys then something just connected and away she went, it was amazing to witness,” Mr Chapple said.

“Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine provides a lot opportunities for volunteers to experience things like that.

“Clients of mine, which Suzy is the first, don’t have to play an instrument, it’s just something extra I can offer.

“I’m a big believer in community and my father got involved in a lot of charity work, so this type of thing is something that I have been a part of for a long time now.”

Email [email protected] for more information on Compassionate Hearts.