Grants to encourage creative learning at schools

The Creative Learning Partnerships incorporates the Artists in Schools program - Lia Hills is seen here hanging poem leaves outside with pupils from Seville Primary School. Photo: SINGING BOWL MEDIA
SCHOOLS across the Geelong region still have time to join forces with artists and creative professionals as part of a state government program to expand student learning and breathe creativity into curriculum.
Applications close today (Thursday, October 1) for the Creative Learning Partnerships program, which enables schools to tap into Victoria’s wealth of creative talent to deliver meaningful and inspiring learning experiences for students from Prep to to Year 10.
South Barwon MP Darren Cheeseman and Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney invited local schools to think big and creatively when pairing with a creative individual or organisation and submitting their idea for a collaborative project.
The program incorporates successful elements of the three previous Education Partnerships programs: Artists in Schools, Virtual Creative Professionals in Schools and Extended School Residencies.
Grants of $10,000 are available for projects in collaboration with an individual creative and $35,000 for projects with a creative organisation. The creatives must work in the school for at least 20 days and all projects must have strong links to curriculum.
Using creative mediums such as film, animation, music, projection art, design, podcasting and more, past projects have explored topics such as identity, local history, the environment, connection to country and online safety.
While applications will be accepted from all Victorian primary and secondary government and non-government schools, thisa year priority will be given to applications from schools with a high number of students experiencing significant social disadvantage.
Ms Tierney said the program offered schools an opportunity to work directly with professional artists, writers, performers, film-makers or designers to deliver high-impact creative projects.
Schools, creative practitioners and organisations who would like to participate but haven’t yet formed a partnership can contact Creative Victoria program staff to register their interest.
For more information and to apply, head to