
Greens call on local community to fight for birds

February 13, 2019 BY

Two lakes (one of which is pictured here) home to waterfowl at TLC Homestead Lakes Aged Care facility could be filled in to make way for car parks.

THE Bellarine Greens says people power is needed to stop two man-made lakes being filled in at TLC Homestead Lakes Aged Care facility in Wallington to make way for car parking.

Susan Meyer said she is calling on local Greens to voice their concerns and put pressure on the aged care provider and the City of Greater Geelong.

Local resident Heidi Wane, who has been leading the campaign, said she had “verbally confirmed” with construction company Ireland Brown Constructions that the lakes would be filled in as part of the home’s extension, but was not sure about the timeline.

“Two beautiful lakes teeming with waterfowl will be filled in to make way for car parks,” Ms Wane said.

“These beautiful waterfowl habitats will be destroyed, birds will be homeless, some may die.

“Would you please help to convince TLC not to fill in the lakes as there is plenty of room for car parking elsewhere on site.”

People driving past the homestead can clearly see huge mounds of dirt piled up beside the lakes, but it remains unanswered as to what they are intended for.

The artists’ impressions of the aged care facility’s extension, which is highlighted on its website includes one lake.

Ms Wane said the original 2015 Planning Permit application to City of Greater Geelong Planning Department for the redevelopment clearly showed both lakes (or ponds as they are referred to by the applicant) as being retained in the redevelopment.

“But a later amendment by the applicant shows the lakes as just an outline on the plans,” she said.

“The intention of draining and filling in the lakes was not communicated to the Planning Department.”

“This (draining and filling in the lakes) is disastrous for the welfare and safety of the many water fowl to be evicted and made homeless.

“With pool safety fencing and landscaping, both lakes could be show pieces for TLC with the environmental tragedy of destroying bird habitat avoided.”

Ms Wane said calls to repurpose and keep these beautiful lakes for the community and elderly residents were being ignored.

If you can help Ms Wane, she is asking you email her at [email protected].

TLC Homestead Lakes Aged Care has not responded to requests for comment.