
Guided walk showcases a cultural tour through time

October 25, 2018 BY

The guided walk travelled from Torquay to Aireys Inlet.

EARLIER this month, Corrina Eccles of the Wadawurrung led a group of 21 walkers on a guided tour of over 40km of the Surf Coast Walk from Torquay to Aireys Inlet.

The Great Ocean Road Coast Committee (GORCC) and Traditional Owners the Wadawurrung partnered to offer the unique coastal experience for campers at the Torquay Foreshore and Anglesea Family Caravan Parks.

Highlights from the walk included an Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country at Point Impossible, a tour of the Split Point Lighthouse and catering from local businesses.

GORCC chair Ken Northwood said the tour was the first of its kind and demonstrated the value that a community-based organisation can add to a coastal experience.

“We were incredibly privileged to have Corrina lead this three-day, guided walk, sharing cultural knowledge and stories of Wadawurrung Country and Aboriginal heritage along the Surf Coast.”

Ms Eccles said the land of the Wadawurrung was rich in Aboriginal culture and heritage that stretched back thousands of years.

“It was a special experience to share how my people have sustainably lived and cared for the land we now know as the Surf Coast.”

Faye Gorman, a participant on the walk, said that Corrina’s knowledge of the Wadawurrung people was an enriching experience that left everyone with a great appreciation for its cultural history.

Plans are under way for future guided walks and coastal experiences.

For more information and updates regarding coming dates, head to gorcc.com.au.