
Half-price trains under Liberal pledge

October 13, 2022 BY

V/Line fares would be cut in half under a new Liberal election promise. Photo: SUPPLIED

A STATE Liberal Government would halve the cost of V/Line services in a move the party said could save Geelong families thousands of dollars each year in travel costs.

A daily commuter from Geelong to Melbourne would save around $3,500 a year under the election commitment announced this week.

On top of the fare cut, the Liberals said travelers would ride for free if a V/Line train was unexpectedly replaced with a bus service.

South Barwon candidate Andrew Katos said the policy aimed to “reward hard-working families”.

“A Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government will give Victoria the fresh start it needs, so that we can fix the health crisis, drive down the cost of living and deliver real solutions for all Victorians,” he said.

Shadow Public Transport Minister Danny O’Brien said the policy would support regional workers while also promoting more visitation across the state.

“By halving V/Line fares, our plan will keep more money in regional Victorians pockets, while at the same time stimulating tourism in regional Victoria. Travel costs shouldn’t be a barrier to going about to everyday life and under the Liberals and Nationals plan, regional Victorians will get the cheap, easy commute they deserve.”

The regional commitment follows a plan announced earlier this week to slash the cost of travel on metropolitan services and regional buses to $2 a day, which the Opposition said would encourage more Victorians onto public transport.

Deputy Premier and Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan claimed the fare changes would widen the gap between costs for city-based and regional travelers.

“Under this scheme, country passengers are being treated as second-best,” she told AAP this week.

Critics of the plan have also raised concern that the reduced revenue could mean the government had less money to spend on upgrades on services and infrastructure.