Harnessing people power to make a difference

May 15, 2019 BY

THE 2019 federal election is just days away and both parties have been throwing money at our communities in hope that your vote will get them over the line.

Yet there is a different feeling in the air at this election, people are sick and tired of business as usual, because this 20th Century business as usual is leading us down a dark path into the 21st century.

We are in the midst of a climate emergency, the economic model of endless growth at all cost is failing our environment and those most vulnerable in our communities, our social well-being is suffering and Australians have rightfully grown disengaged and distrustful of our government.

We must ask, who are these parties truly representing?

This election is not simply about re-electing one of the two major parties, there is a movement happening at a grassroots level and it is growing.

People are realising the true power and responsibility they have to voice their dissatisfaction with the imbalances and injustices happening, not just for us today, but for future generations to come.

We are witnessing people all over the world demanding systemic changes on all levels, our governments must shift their thinking to focus on empathy, kindness, inclusiveness and the intergenerational well-being of our communities.

Now, more than ever, we need political courage and political leadership.

In order to get that, we need real people who work to represent us, not career politicians with self-interests. Together, we must address the most pressing issues facing our society today.

I am an independent, I am a community representative and if elected I will be an elected community representative: I am not a puppet for a political party.

I will stand up as a voice for you, our communities and our future generations.