Have a swing at getting some funding

Portarlington Golf Club deputy chief xecutive Officer David Milne and President Marilyn Mooney with staff and members.
PORTARLINGTON Golf Club is inviting local not-for-profit community and sporting organisations to apply for funding to the value of up to $10,000.
The Portarlington Golf Club Community Contribution Fund (PGCCCF) will be available annually for sporting organisations within the Northern Bellarine or the City of Greater Geelong.
“We are proud to have established the fund to contribute a further $10,000 annually to eligible organisations,” club deputy chief executive officer David Milne said.
“It’s a terrific opportunity for organisations and it is great for our club to be giving back to the community.”
Guidelines regarding the PGCCCF and application forms are available on the club’s website portarlingtongolf.com.au or by emailing [email protected].
For more information, phone chief executive oficer Ron Stockdale on 5259 2492 or write to The PGCCCF Committee, Portarlington Golf Club, 130 Hood Road, Portarlington 3223.
Applications close on July 31 and successful applications will be advised on October 1.