
Hip, hip, array! Barwon Water’s Torquay solar ready to go

October 18, 2018 BY

Barwon Water managing director Tracey Slatter inspects the Torquay solar installation.

BARWON Water is ready to plug in its latest solar project that will generate enough electricity to meet the needs of about 80 homes each year.

More than 700 solar panels will soon be connected on unused land next to Barwon Water’s storage facility on Grossmans Road.

The array will produce 370,000 kilowatt hours of energy that will help power Barwon Water’s Torquay operations, with additional energy feeding into the grid.

As well as providing a renewable source of energy, the solar project will help to reduce Barwon Water’s electricity costs and provide an additional source of income that will help keep customers’ bills low.

Barwon Water managing director Tracey Slatter said Barwon Water is investing in renewable energy initiatives to reduce electricity costs and emissions.

This array is the biggest solar installation in Torquay and will save almost 400 tonnes of carbon emissions each year – the equivalent of taking 100 cars off the road.” Ms Slatter said.

“This will see us on track to meet our target of 100 per cent renewable energy by 2025,” she said.

The array will complement the sustainable values of the Salt Torquay development, the first in regional Australia to receive One Planet Living accreditation and a 7.5-star energy efficiency rating.

“The solar array will support Salt Torquay as a shining example of innovative sustainable design, and low-footprint living,” Ms Slatter said.

“The new homes will feature solar panels, battery storage and provision for electric car charging,” she said.

“This is a flagship project in our program to add value to our unused assets so that we can pass on the financial benefit to customers.

“Profits generated from sales at Salt Torquay will not only cover the cost of the project, but also produce additional revenue, helping keep customers’ bills down.”

Civil construction works are expected to continue until late 2018.