Holden fans keep the engine running

March 5, 2020 BY

Bruce Burner with his 1955 FJ Special and Stephen Gough with his 1978 HZ GTS. Photo: KLAUS NANNESTAD

THE Holden brand will be no more by next year, but there are locals who will help maintain the cars’ legacy.

Both Stephen Gough and Bruce Turner are owners of vintage models and have long-lasting ties to the brand.

For Mr Turner, Holdens have been in the family since before he was born.

“I’ve been interested in Holdens since I was a kid. My dad’s first car was an FJ Holden, I had uncles that had various Holdens and I ended up going down that path myself.

“I’ve nearly always had Holdens throughout my life.”

Mr Turner said he was saddened by General Motors’ recent decision to “retire” Holden, though it was not entirely unexpected.

“It tugs at the heart strings a bit.

“But realistically, you look back to when they said ‘That’s the last Commodore that will be made’ and it’s basically the final nail in the coffin, really.”

Mr Gough said he had a Holden engine in front of him since he had first been behind the wheel.

“I’ve had Holden cars pretty much all my life, so’s it sad to see it go.”

Unlike Mr Turner, Mr Gough said he found it difficult to pinpoint what initially drew him to Holdens.

“I don’t know why I picked Holden. A Holden was the first car I ever owned, and it just kept on going from there.”

While both value their cars greatly and occasionally enter them in motor shows, neither keeps their Holden locked away in a shed.

Mr Gough said the joy for him was in using the vehicle rather than simply owning it.

The end of Holden will affect more than just car owners.

Luke Bretthaur from Drysdale’s The Shine Lab said he and the rest of the detailing team were excited to be given the chance to do work on a brand that had become increasingly significant with the recent news.

“It’s a Holden Commodore VS Statesman 5-litre that still has the Greg Norman golf set in the back with the plastic wrap.

“We’re just stoked that he brought it in and are really proud to be working on it.”