Holiday rush has Op Shop back in business

October 9, 2021 BY

All-Saints Op Shop coordinator Margaret Powell in front of the Anglican Church on Hitchcock Avenue. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

THOUSANDS of items were dropped off to the All-Saints Opportunity Shop following the end of Victoria’s most recent regional lockdown, but the Op Shop’s workers are just happy to be back in business despite being somewhat overwhelmed.

The second week of the spring school holidays saw hundreds of residents in Barwon Heads flock to their favourite second-hand outlet looking for a bargain at the All-Saints Anglican Church on Hitchcock Avenue.

The latest influx of donations to arrive following the latest regional lockdown.

“We only had a couple of donations come in over the latest lockdown period,” the Op Shop’s co-ordinator Margaret Powell said.

“But once we took to social media announcing that we were open again, the donations have flooded in because people have been saving them up waiting to give them to us.”

Ms Powell has also indicated that their shelves are full and there is plenty on offer for people to come and peruse when they visit.

The All-Saints Op Shop gives 50 per cent of its proceeds directly to the church and distributes profits to local community groups.

Show room workers Ian, Bruce and Jenny.

“We help the community, being one of the few organisations that gives back to the local institutions in the area,” Ms Powell said.

“Whether it be the local fire brigades, halls in the area or the other churches, it’s a worthwhile way to give back to the town we love.”

Perhaps one of the busier staff members at the shop is its sorting room organiser, Chris Wheal, who says that there is always a large influx of donations following lockdowns.

“People have been hoarding their donations until we open and the flow-on effect is boxes upon boxes arriving at our doorstep,” Ms Wheal said.

“Some of the stuff we receive is rubbish either because they are broken or just unsuitable to resell, but we also get lovely donations as well, which is great.”

This year, the shop’s profits will be just over half of what it makes in a normal year, as a direct result of COVID-19.

The All-Saints Op Shop has returned to its regular trading hours on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9.30am-1pm.

The shop asks that donations “should only be donated if you would buy it yourself” and “no heavier than something your grandmother could carry”.

Op Shop workers Felicity, Irene and Margaret.