Push your idea for borough’s new bike park

January 21, 2021 BY

The proposed bike park could include jumps, a pump track, or other features suggested by community members.

THE Borough of Queenscliffe wants to build  a new bike park somewhere in the municipality and and is calling on local cyclists to help design it.

The announcement comes following the closure of informal jump tracks in Point Lonsdale to protect sensitive vegetation.

The proposed bike park will be designed in tandem with local riders and could involve jumps, a pump track, or other features suggested by community members.

The council is investigating building the park on the former Queenscliffe High School site following preliminary advice from the state government, but participants are also invited to provide feedback on the location.

Queenscliffe mayor Ross Ebbels said this was an opportunity for riders to help the council design their ideal park in the borough.

“Residents have been telling us for a while that the borough needs a proper bike park, and we’re ready to get to work designing one.

“We want local riders involved in the design process from the beginning to make sure we produce a design that’s fun, challenging and suitable for a range of skill levels.”

Riders are being urged to send in their design ideas via an online survey or by sketching a drawing of what they think a bike park in the borough should look like.

Cr Ebbels said consultation was open to everyone, including kids and teenagers who might want to use the bike park.

“This is a great opportunity for the borough’s young people to have a direct hand in designing something they’ve been asking us to build for some time.

“All our consultation on this project will be fully accessible to our younger residents, so if there’s a young rider in your life, please encourage them to send us a drawing of their dream bike park – it could end up forming part of the final design.”

Consultation closes at 11.59pm on February 14. For more information on how to take part, head to queenscliffe.vic.gov.au/bikepark.