Jan Juc teen raises funds to make his own wave

September 10, 2021 BY

Finn Murphy gets ready to hit the waves for a good cause. Photo: SUPPLIED

SURFERS from across the country and here on the Surf Coast are using their love of the waves to raise money for SurfAid’s programs to help families in remote surfing communities.

The Make A Wave challenge invites surfers, rookies and pros alike to surf consistently for 30 days straight throughout the month of September.

Last year alone, SurfAid reached more than 52,000 people living next to the world’s most remote waves who struggle to access basic services like clean water, healthcare and food security.

This year, 15-year-old St Joseph’s student and Jan Juc resident Finn Murphy decided to take on the challenge, riding the waves at both Torquay and Jan Juc beaches throughout this month as a part of the Surfing Victoria team.

“There were a few guys from Surfing Victoria that were doing it and I thought it was a cool thing to be a part of, so I registered with the team,” Finn said.

“I surfed a lot when I was a bit younger, but I stopped for a bit, so I thought this would also be a good opportunity to really get back into with a bit of a challenge.

“We are doing online learning at school right now so routine and determination will definitely help me to complete this challenge.
“If I find myself not doing anything then I can just say to myself that I’ll just smash out a surf today then worry about tomorrow.”

Finn’s father Peter said Finn stood up on a board for the first time when he was three years old, and has always been around the water.

“I’m super stoked that Finn is doing this,” Peter said.

“There are so many different reasons as to why he is doing it and, not least of all, that at this time we’re all in lockdown and kids aren’t getting out that much.

“Also, I think just creating that awareness about the work that SurfAid do and the fact there are people way worse off than us in the world and they shouldn’t be forgotten about, which I think is really important here.

“Finn has got a full understanding of that as well. He is 15 years old, but he can really pass that message onto others.”

To find out more about Finn’s Make A Wave efforts you can find the link to his fundraiser in his Instagram biography @finn_murf_.

Make A Wave has already raised over $300,000 this year and you can donate too by visiting the website at makeawave.com.au.