Kardinia Park Stadium Trust hails win at Geelong Business Excellence Awards

October 22, 2020 BY

The Kardinia Park Stadium Trust manages the facility now known as GMHBA Stadium and the surrounding precinct.

THE Kardinia Park Stadium Trust has been recognised for its stewardship of one of Geelong’s most recognised places, taking out the Customer Service Award at this year’s Geelong Business Excellence Awards.

The trust is a statutory authority established under the Kardinia Park Stadium Act 2016.

Governed by a board of eight trustees, the trust was established to administer, promote and manage the Kardinia Park Stadium Trust Land more commonly known as GMHBA Stadium.

Judges said the trust “proudly run this state asset on behalf of the people of Victoria”.

“They are an enabler and service provider operating under the overarching objective of contributing to the economic, community and liveability benefits for the region that arise from the use of the stadium.

“The Kardinia Park Precinct that surrounds the 36,000-crowd capacity stadium is an icon of Geelong and is steeped in history.”

Trust chief executive officer Gerard Griffin thanked all the other finalists in the Customer Service category as well as his colleagues at the Stadium Trust, “especially six of them that are sitting there in the meeting room tonight – celebrate well, guys”.

“Most importantly, all the best for everyone in our region as we look forward to an easier 2021,” he said.

For the first time in the history of the awards, which were established in 1984, the GBEA was streamed live via Facebook, Channel 31 and Vimeo for everyone to watch from the comfort of their homes. More than 2,000 viewers tuned in on Thursday last week to celebrate the success  of the Geelong region’s businesses and business leaders.

The live talk-show style event with musical theatre star Natalie O’Donnell as MC acknowledged the GBEA finalists and included live interviews with winners direct from their homes.

The GBEA is one of the few regional business awards in Victoria going ahead this year during the coronavirus pandemic.

Other award winners included:

  • Business of the Year – See All Dolphin Swims
  • Corporate Social Responsibility – Arthur St Digital
  • Digital Engagement – Custom Neon
  • Sustainable Business – Kardinia International College
  • Home Based/Micro Business – Manse Group
  • Health and Wellbeing Promoting Workplace – Crew Faced Makeup Artistry
  • Safe and Healthy Business – Memphis Hire
  • Small Business or Division/Department – CentreStage
  • Medium Business or Division/Department- Boomaroo Nurseries
  • Retail Business – You’re Gorgeous Hair & Beauty
  • Best First Year – FLAIM Systems
  • Inclusive & Accessible – Geelong Gallery.