Last chance to enrol for Voice vote

September 18, 2023 BY

The AEC has set an enrolment deadline of 8pm tonight for the Voice to Parliament referendum.

VOTERS have until tonight to update their enrolment details to vote in the coming Voice to Parliament referendum.

The Australian Electoral Commission will close enrolments at 8pm Monday, September 18.

Last week, the AEC said more than 17.5 million Australians were on the electoral roll with at least 97.5 per cent of all eligible Australians already enrolled to vote.

The commission is especially targeting young Australians who have turned 18 since the last year’s federal election to sign up in time to vote. Youth enrolment of people aged 18-24 is just over 90 per cent.

Australian Electoral Commissioner Tom Rogers said despite the record-high enrolment figure, the commission was striving to get more people on the roll before the deadline.

“Don’t delay – if you do, you could be one of the very few eligible people out there not ready to vote in the first referendum in nearly a quarter of a century,” Mr Rogers said.

“It’ll be the best democratic base for participation Australia has ever had and we want all eligible Australians to be a part of that.”

“Since the announcement of the 2023 referendum, there have been over 143,000 enrolment transactions submitted – approximately 11,000 a day.”

Postal voting applications are now open until October 11.

Early voting will open from October 2, with final votes to be cast by polling day on October 14.

For more details and to enrol, visit