Last training night for 2021 caps off busy year for Bellarine SES

Bellarine SES volunteers who were recognised for their service over the years at the unit's final training night in mid-December. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE Bellarine’s SES unit has finished 2021 on a high note at its final training night of the year.
The team at Bellarine SES took the chance to get together two weeks ago for a night of reflection and pride looking back on what was a solid year from the squad.
In addition to a dinner on the night, the year’s awards and recognitions headlined the evening commending volunteers for five years, 10 years, 15 years and 20 years of service.
Wendy and Ian Rabone were awarded their medals for five years of volunteering.
Brad Hudgell, Geoff Nicholson, and Warren Littlewood were commended for achieving 10 years of service with the SES.
Meanwhile, Brett McKenzie and Andrew Turner were awarded for 15 years and 20 years of service respectively.
The JVL Award, named after John van Lith, a former member of the Bellarine SES, was presented to Tim Humphries for going above and beyond for both the unit and his community.

“This was one of our busiest years ever not just for our unit, but also the state,” Bellarine SES volunteer Wendy Rabone said.
“The night was just a way to celebrate the efforts made this year and recognise all the people who have been in the unit for a good length of time.”
Ms Rabone said it was a fantastic time to reflect on the year and just interact with one another in a relaxed manner.
“We are hoping we don’t have to go through another year like last year and this year that’s for sure,” Ms Rabone said, with a laugh.
“We love to get together and train, that’s one of the best parts about volunteering at the SES, so we hope new restrictions aren’t put in place next year and we can keep training in a normal capacity.
“We are all community minded; we are people that want to give back and want to serve the community in some way, which is generally getting out there and helping out people in their hour of need.”
In 2021, the Bellarine SES was called out to assist the community spanning from Leopold to Queenscliff on 460 separate occasions.
The Bellarine SES will take a break from its regular training over the holiday period but will remain on call 24/7 to respond to emergencies.