Learning water safety in the lounge room

Kids program for Life saving Victoria. Elle ,Sonny and Nash Gleeson performing CPR on their dad Aaron. Photo: REG RYAN PHOTOGRAPHY
LIFE Saving Victoria (LSV) has launched its Water Safety @ Home series to help children continue their learning while in lockdown.
The series includes interactive online swimming and nippers lessons, as well as sessions on CPR and first aid for kids.
Torquay mother Sarah Gleeson said not only had her children have enjoyed the Swimming @ Home sessions, but she had also found it useful.
“My three children all take swimming lessons, so to have the content available online in a fun format is a great way to keep their interest up while in lockdown.
“It’s also a good chance for parents, usually on the pool sidelines, to learn about swim teaching techniques we can now use outside the lessons.”
Jan Juc SLSC Nipper Amber D’Andrea said she enjoyed the Nippers @ Home sessions and the chance it gave her to train with her friends.
“The bush fires affected the air quality and water so we couldn’t train as much this summer, so I liked Nippers @ Home because I miss training with my friends and seeing my coaches. I enjoyed wading over the cushions the most.”
LSV general manager Kate Simpson said despite the circumstances there were still many reasons for the series to run.
“Everyone’s still mostly at home, but water safety skills are still hugely important to maintain and learn – especially for kids missing the routine, exercise and social aspects of Nippers and swimming lessons.
“First Aid and CPR are also essential skills and we know children do sometimes have to step up to be everyday lifesavers, too.”
The sessions are delivered through “Watch & Learn” videos, as well as technologies such as Microsoft Teams and Facebook Premier.
For more information on the series and to learn how to access the different sessions head to lsv.com.au/watersafetyathome.