LED to light the way in Queenscliffe

December 12, 2017 BY

THE Borough of Queenscliff council says transitioning to LED street lighting is a step in the right direction.

Queenscliffe mayor Tony Francis said the decision was both financially and environmentally sound.

“LED technology produces up to 75 per cent less carbon emissions than the mercury vapour lights currently used, and has the potential to save council up to 50 per cent per month in operational expenditure,” Cr Francis said.

The resolution was carried unanimously at a council meeting last month, where the contributions of former councillor Sue Wasterval and the ongoing efforts of the general manager planning and Infrastructure and his team toward this important project were acknowledged.

Street lighting is the single largest contributor to electricity use within the Borough of Queenscliffe, generating 206 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2016-17.

Council pays all operating costs for 325 street lights in the Borough of Queenscliffe, and a further 117 lights, located on declared highways and maintained by VicRoads, are managed in a joint arrangement between Council and VicRoads.

Seven of the 325 council street lights feature a style of fitting for which there is currently no approved LED equivalent available.

Council has been advised that there may be an approved fitting available for these lights in the near future and will continue to pursue a complete transition to LED technology.

Replacement of the 318 council street lights suitable for LED technology will occur in late 2017 and early 2018.

The contract for these works has been awarded to Powercor following a thorough quotation and selection process.