
Leopold Primary School turns 150

November 2, 2022 BY

Leopold Primary School students celebrate an important birthday. Photos: SUPPLIED

A RARE milestone for education institutions in the region was achieved at Leopold Primary School (LPS) last weekend with 150 years of learning celebrated at the site.

Organisers estimate up to 1000 people turned out on Sunday to partake in the market stalls, food vans, musical performances and memorabilia displays that were the result of 12 months planning from a committee of parents.

Member and former student Sarah Bailey said it was a chance for old friends to catch up, reminisce and commemorate the schools role in their lives.

Over 800 of the schools students produced works for a group art show.

“When we did our research, we learnt that many schools don’t reach that age, we were one of the earlier schools built in the region, we were just surprised that not many schools in the region had reached that age so that makes it particularly important.

“It started with just one single bluestone building in 1872 with around 70 kids, compare that to 840 kids now; that’s phenomenal growth, it’s evolved so much.

“The building I was in when I was there no longer exists, it’s been rebuilt several time over the years.”

Alongside old photos and memorabilia charting the school’s history was an art show featuring a piece of work from each of the schools 840 students, with each year working to a different medium.

Pavers with people’s names connected to the school were laid for the event.

“The kids all loved showing their families their artwork on display,” Ms Bailey said.

“We also had Newcomb Secondary College make us a time capsule which will be on display in the office for the next 25 years… it was made by four Newcomb students who all used to attend LPS.”

A new garden area was unveiled and gave people the chance to buy and lay a paver with their name on it at the entrance to the school, and bands, choirs and buskers provided the day with a musical accompaniment.