Let there be light!

January 7, 2021 BY

The beauty of the Queenscliff Sports Precinct is undeniable. PHOTO: BOROUGH OF QUEENSCLIFFE

NETBALL courts at the Queenscliff Sports Precinct have been fitted with new LED lights allowing more games at different times of the day.

The lights now satisfy the requirements to host matches at night-time.

The lights were built with the funding awarded for construction of the new sports precinct by the Victorian Government’s Community Sport Infrastructure Fund, which officially opened in 2018.

Club secretary Peter Callahan said besides a few “minor bits and pieces”, the major works have been completed, with the lights marking the end of the redevelopment.

“The plan was always to upgrade them to LED and game standard,” he said. “Originally, we just needed lights in straight away so we could train.”

Mr Callahan acknowledged the picturesque beauty of the new facilities.

“It’s a very well located facility, not just the netball, but the football oval as well,” he said.

“Players can go down into the water after training and play to warm down. We are pretty lucky.”

Games of football and netball in the Borough are synonymous with the stiff sea breezes that can slice through visiting teams at the sports precinct, a point Mr Callahan was quick to move on from.

“You do get a bit of breeze, but then other days it is really nice as well. The club rooms look out over the heads as well.

“We are lucky to have the facilities.”

The lights are being used as the netball team completes its pre-season training in anticipation of the 2021 season starting in April.