
Liberals to expand use of GPS trackers on criminals

November 7, 2018 BY

THE Liberal Nationals are continuing their campaign on law and order as the state election campaign begins in earnest, pledging an expansion to the use of GPS tracking anklets for convicted offenders.

Under the new policy, announced by Opposition Leader Matthew Guy last week, first-time offenders convicted of home invasion or carjackings will be fitted with GPS tracking anklets for the duration of any parole period.

In circumstances where a person convicted of a home invasion or carjacking is not givena custodial sentence, they will be required to be fitted with a GPS tracking anklet for a minimum of two years.

The Liberal Nationals will commit $5.1 million over the next term to boost electronic monitoring capacity.

“Daniel Andrews has lost control of violent crimes like home invasions and carjackings,”Mr Guy said.

“Only a Liberal Nationals government will get back in control of this violent crime wave and make Victoria safer.

These tough new laws will save lives.” The policy follows the Liberal Nationals’ previously announced pledges to change theSentencing Act 1991 and the Corrections Act 1986, such as mandatory minimum jail sentences for repeat violent offenders, and anticonsortinglaws for members of violent youth gangs.

An elected Liberal Nationals Government will introduce mandatory minimum jail sentences for repeat offenders of 14 different crimes, including a minimum of 10 years for home invasions and carjackings.

If offenders re-offend while on parole, theywill receive a mandatory minimum sentence ofanother 10 years.