Libraries put safety first upon re-opening

Libraries are open, but with shorter opening hours and various protocols in place to minimise the likelihood of transmission.
LAST week, Geelong Region Libraries Corporation (GRLC) re-opened their branches across the Bellarine, Surf Coast and Greater Geelong region.
GRLC chief executive officer Patti Manolis said they had been careful to ensure the venues were as safe as possible upon re-opening.
“The Geelong Regional Library Corporation (GRLC) has developed protocols in line with Government advice, following best practice guidelines from the Australian Library and Information Association and the guidelines of Safe Work Australia.
“Before re-opening, all libraries were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimise risk of transmission.”
Ms Manolis also emphasised the health of staff and patrons had taken priority in all their decision-making.
“The safety and wellbeing of the community and our staff remains our priority now that our libraries have re-opened and many of our services have resumed.”
Library opening hours will be shorter than usual to allow for extra cleaning until July 6.
Ms Manolis said several new protocols will be in place across the GRLC to further ensure safety.
“Measures include limiting the number of people in each library at any one time; adhering to the one person per four square metres rule, and a library staff member working as concierge at the door to manage patron numbers.
“In addition, all physical collections items (books, DVDs, CDs, Audiobooks) undergo a 72-hour quarantine on return to minimise risk of transmission.”
People will also have their details taken when they enter a library.
Visitors will be limited to 30-minutes in library branches and five minutes in the mobile library.
Ms Manolis encouraged visitors to do their part in minimising the risks.
“We expect all library visitors to play their role to help keep themselves and other people safe and we thank our community for their continued understanding and patience as we work through unprecedented times.”