Library to host its first Meet the Author event

April 18, 2018 BY

Bryan Keon-Cohen AM QC will speak at Barwon Heads Community Library on April 29.

BARWON Heads Community Library will host its first “Meet the Author” event this month, with special guest Dr Bryan Keon-Cohen AM QC.

The free event, organised by the Friends of Barwon Heads Community Library and Barwon Heads Arts Council, is the first of its kind for the library.

Dr Keon-Cohen will speak about his book A Mabo Memoir: Islan Kustom to Native Title on April 29 at 2.30pm.

Dr Keon-Cohen has lectured and published extensively on Native Title issues; was a committee member and Secretary of Liberty Victoria (1980s – 90s); acted as the senior lawyer at Mirimbiak, the Victorian Native Title Representative Body (1998-2000); and was appointed Adjunct Professor at Monash University Law School, lecturing on Indigenous Rights (2005-2008).

He graduated PhD at Monash University in 2010 and published his thesis, written for the non-lawyer, A Mabo Memoir: Islan Kustom to Native Title.

On January 26 in 2012 he was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia, General Division (AM) for services to the law, especially Indigenous rights.

Friends of Barwon Heads Community Library’s Mandy Bridges said the library was thriving with memberships, and visits and loans were significantly up since the middle of last year.

“We are aware that it is proposed that funding continue for the 2018/19 year and we hope beyond that time,” Ms Bridges said.

“We have shown that our small community values its local library and that the voices of small communities matter.

“Holiday programs for children held at the Barwon Heads library in the last two school holiday periods have been fully booked and enjoyed by the children very much.

“We will also continue to hold monthly Book Chats and will hold a Crime Writer’s workshop on Sunday July 22, led by local author Dorothy Johnston.”

To attend please register by April 23 either by email at [email protected] or on the registration sheet on the shelf below the community noticeboard at the library.