Local author stoked to launch Suffrage book

April 29, 2023 BY

Author of Bellarine Women and the 1891 Suffrage Petition Lorraine Stokes holds her book alongside Bellarine MP Alison Marchant. Photo: ALISON MARCHANT/FACEBOOK

FOLLOWING half a decade of research, cross-referencing and publication, the events that led to the 1891 Suffrage petition are now available to be read following the highly anticipated launch of a book by a local author.

Portarlington resident Lorraine Stokes said she was tremendously proud to officially launch her book Bellarine Women and the 1891 Suffrage Petition a fortnight ago on April 14, led by former member for the Bellarine Lisa Neville at the Bayview Room in Parks Hall, Portarlington.

“It was exciting for me personally to launch this book, so I’m relieved to have it out there to the public,” Ms Stokes said.

“I’ve recently been seriously ill, so I’m grateful to be here for the launch, I honestly thought at one stage that I wouldn’t be here for the release of this book.”

Ms Stokes’ book, categorised not a novel nor as an academic history text, explains to readers the living conditions of women and girls in the period before they won the right to vote through research done on women living on the Bellarine.

The book features early women’s advocates such as Henrietta Davies Dugdale and Caroline Schulz, both of whom were local to the Bellarine, in forums at all levels of society fighting for women to gain rights, ranging from university education to voting rights to representation in government and to equal human rights before the law.

“The main aim of this book has always been to give recognition to the extraordinary women from this region that were a part of history, and it will never fade as a result of this book,” Ms Stokes said.

“I’ve been living in Portarlington for the past 20 years and I’ve always had a profound respect for these women and what they were able to achieve and endure. Hopefully readers of this book can come to share my view on this topic.”

Bellarine Women and the 1891 Suffrage Petition is available from the Portarlington Post Office or by contacting the Bellarine Historical Society website at bellarinehistory.org