Local cadet squadron to gain Borough Freedom of Entry

August 30, 2024 BY
Freedom of Entry Parade

L-R: Flight Sargeant Alan Hawthorn, Cadet Rushi Patel, Sergeant David Thomson, Flight Lieutenant Michael Dare, Cadet Under Officer William Muculj, Vietnam Veteran Graham Christie and Sergeant Natalie Thompson in front of Fort Queenscliff. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

AN EVENT not held in the Borough of Queenscliffe for 140 years will again be seen this weekend as the town’s locally based Air Force Cadets prepare to receive a Gaining of Freedom of Entry to the coastal town.

A Freedom of Entry parade, conducted frequently in the 19th and 20th centuries, is a right granted to a military unit by a local government, authorising that unit to march through the streets of the city on a ceremonial occasion with swords drawn, drums beating, colours flying and band playing.

Australian Air Force Cadets Commanding Officer of 429 Squadron Flight Lieutenant Michael Dare said the ceremony will be the culmination of 25 years of service the squadron has conducted in the Borough of Queenscliffe while based out of Fort Queenscliff.

“It’s an exceptional honour to be here for 25 years and it’s an exceptional occurrence for the Borough of Queenscliffe, who has not held a Freedom of Entry ceremony for 141 years.

“Saturday’s proceedings will be a very family-oriented event and it’s a great thing for everybody involved.”

Freedom of Entry Parade
L-R: Australian Air Force Cadets 429 Squadron’s Flight Sargeant Alan Hawthorn, Flight Lieutenant Lucy Croxford, Flight Lieutenant Michael Dare, Sergeant Natalie Thompson and Sergeant David Thomson.

A Freedom of Entry represents the highest civic honour that the city or local government can bestow on a military unit and is a symbolic honour, demonstrating trust, loyalty and sense of community.

The parade will step off at 11am, marching south up the hill to halt in front of the Dais where the ceremony to grant the honour of Freedom of Entry to the Borough of Queenscliffe, presented by the Mayor Cr Ross Ebbels.

The parade will then march to the Challenge Point where Leading Senior Constable Anthony Sheedy of the Bellarine Police Station will conduct the traditional challenge.

Freedom of Entry Parade
L-R: Australian Air Force Cadets 429 Squadron’s Cadet Rushi Patel, Cadet Under Officer William Muculj, and Sergeant David Thomson.

The parade then marches to Fort Queenscliff past the Queenscliff/Point Lonsdale RSL Hall and ends at 12 noon.

Vietnam veteran and former borough councillor Graham Christie said every resident should watch the parade if they could.

“This kind of thing generally happens with large military groups, but it is essentially an acceptance from the local government of the local defence force unit into its community and giving them the right to bear arms should they ever be called upon.

“In a simpler sense, the Borough of Queenscliffe is welcoming the Air Force Cadets into its family.”

For more information about the Gaining of Freedom of Entry Parade or cadet enrolments, email [email protected].