Local clubs send powerful pink message

February 24, 2022 BY

Point Lonsdale SLSC's Pink Patrol for 2022. Photos: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

LIFESAVING clubs around Victoria gathered as one at their respective beaches on Saturday draped in pink to celebrate female leadership in lifesaving.

Amongst the clubs was a sizeable list of lifesavers originating from the Bellarine and the Surf Coast.

Clubs at Lorne, Ocean Grove, Point Lonsdale, Torquay and Fairhaven were out in full force to acknowledge the contributions made by women both past and present, and showcase their operational and leadership capabilities.

Organiser of the Point Lonsdale Pink Patrol’s proceedings was Jessica Robinson, who said the initiative was all about acknowledging everyone’s achievements and the progression in lifesaving.

“Pink Patrol is a celebration of how far women have come, what opportunities can unfold, how powerful we are as a collective,” Ms Robinson said.

“Our day kicked off with an outdoor morning tea and included activities that were designed to spark conversation of what Pink Patrol means to each of the participants, followed by a 15-person patrol with both new and old volunteers.

“The day embraced what our club is all about – working together to keep our beaches safe.”

Life Saving Victoria’s (LSV) board director of membership and leadership development Rebecca Schot-Guppy said the day involved all-women or women-led lifesaving patrols showcasing the capacity and capability of women and girls in leadership roles.

“Pink Patrols are an initiative that started at a grass roots level and have built up momentum, the movement is continuing to go from strength-to-strength,” Ms Schot-Guppy said.

“We know that representation is key and our is hope is that this positive role modelling of women in leadership roles will inspire and empower future generations of women and girls to confidently pursue opportunities in lifesaving, aquatics and beyond.

“We encourage other clubs, aquatic facilities and organisations from the broader community to challenge themselves to undertake a shift, a patrol, a meeting, whatever it may be, with a full cohort of women and empower other women to do the same.”

LSV said 36 host clubs and 16 aquatic facilities took part in the coordinated Pink Patrol Saturday.