Local communities pull together to get Wheels for Emma

September 21, 2021 BY

Emma Fuller just started school at Ocean Grove Primary School. Photo: SUPPLIED

RESIDENTS of Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads have long been known for their ability to pull together for a common cause, which has been demonstrated during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and it is on display once again.

Ocean Grove resident Sarah Fuller is the mother of two girls, Emma and Kasey.

Ms Fuller’s youngest aged six, Emma, was diagnosed at birth with cerebral palsy, among other things, and now the single parent is looking to raise funds to purchase a new car that would allow her to better transport her little girl.

The car to be purchased would be an eight-seat Kia Carnival, providing ample room to accommodate for Emma’s conditions, which NDIS will pay for the modifications once the car is acquired.

“These funds would help transitioning Emma in and out of the car, getting her out into the community, even just make basic school drop-offs and pick-ups that much easier,” Ms Fuller said.

“It would allow me to wheel her in and out of the car instead of lifting her, which would cut out all of the transition time and save my back in the process.”

Ms Fuller’s friend Laurie Dawson started a GoFundMe page to help the family, and many residents have been donating whatever they can since.

Close to 150 donors have added to the family’s $50,000 goal, with the present total sitting at about $8,000.

“Sarah’s youngest started school this year and her current car is unsuitable to accommodate her daughter’s wheelchair and cannot be modified,” wrote Ms Dawson in the fundraiser’s description.

“This is where we come in. Sarah needs to upgrade her car to a more suitable one that can be modified to be wheelchair accessible, there are only specific cars that can be adapted in this way.

“Unfortunately, Sarah is currently not able to fund this herself, which is why I’m reaching out.”

Among the donors is the Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Lions Club, which generously donated $5,000 after hearing Ms Fuller and her family’s story, as well as meeting them.

“Emma is lovely young lady and not having a wheelchair accessible vehicle is holding her back,” president Grant Hull said.

The Lions Club has also been in touch with a local business that has offered to donate the remaining $10,000 if $40,000 can be raised.

“Emma is such a happy, joyful little girl and she has brought so much light into our lives,” Ms Fuller said.

“She’s taught me to be more patient, she’s taught me to learn so many skills that I didn’t know I could learn, I don’t actually know if I can put it into words.”

To contribute in any way, head togofundme.com and search ‘Wheels for Emma’.