
Locals form group to improve look of public toilets

April 10, 2019 BY

ST Leonards residents have formed a mural planning group in the hope of beautifying the exterior of the town’s dull-looking public toilets.

While in its earliest stages, the group envisages the mural will feature local icons such as a sea horse and pelicans, and could possibly be the focus of a design competition with local artists.

St Leonards Primary School has also agreed to support the mural in some way.

“It seems the need for a ‘town toilet pretty up’ has been on the agenda for a while,” member Wendy Mayne said.

“It was raised as an area of interest in the public questionnaire and, from my experience, remains a topic of conversation for citizens and visitors alike.”

While the group understands City of Greater Geelong council approval will be required, it intends to proceed with some planning and is seeking funds.

Meanwhile, the St Leonards Beautification Committee recently hosted a public meeting with City of Greater Geelong (COGG) mayor Bruce Harwood at the St Leonards Bowling Club. Committee convenor Denis O’Bryan said a number of topics were raised, including the dust concerns in the growth areas, and dust on the Lower Bluff Roads, the surge in population growth but no improvement in infrastructure and services, the shabby appearance of the town, the slow or non-response of police to calls for help, the slow response by council to requests for maintenance, and the crime problem of recent years.

“The topic that drew most attention was the increase in recent years in vagrants and associated crime, graffiti and antisocial behaviour, all culprits being temporary residents of three addresses within the town owned by two brothers who were known to some in the audience,” he said.

Mr O’Bryan said members then asked the Cr Harwood to advise them how St Leonards could become a mini-city of design like Geelong, that he is going overseas to promote.

“He said the other international towns have features in common with Geelong, particularly a sudden change of economic direction from manufacturing to services. He said design is more a state of mind than bricks and mortar, and that we as a town are well on the way to it, meaning, this group talking about local issues and looking for solutions.”

Mr O’Bryan said in summary, attendees felt the mayor gave them a good hearing, and they hope he has a better understanding of the needs of St Leonards and how neglected by COGG they feel.