Long-serving Lion honoured

November 14, 2019 BY

Honorary Lions Village Members Peter Thomas, Toni McCormack and Brian Fuller congratulate Phillip Newson (second from right) on his Honorary Membership.

PHILLIP NEWSON has recently been recognised for his dedication to Lions Village Torquay.

Mr Newson was awarded Honorary Membership of the Lions Village on behalf of both the village committee and the village’s residents.

He served as the Lions club representative on the Village Management Committee for 14 years, and was also chairman of the Lions Village Torquay for 10 years.

Village chair John McDonald said Mr Newson’s leadership had fostered a welcoming and harmonious community within the Village.

“Phillip has been an outstanding chair of the Village committee. His long-standing support for the retirement village concept, where people can retire to purpose built accommodation in their local neighbourhood, is well known.

“His longevity in the role of chair has been invaluable, as the Lions Village has developed so much since its inception 20 years ago. The village now offers a remarkable level of housing amenity to retired people in Torquay, and this is due in no small part to the careful management that Phillip and the committee have shown over the years.”

Lions Village Torquay was established in 2001 and consists of 29 separate dwellings for people aged over 55.

In 2018/19, it was given a Resident Satisfaction rating of 94 (out of 100) by ResiRating.

Neil Roche has replaced Mr Newson as the village committee’s Lions Club representative.