Makeover for Little Malop Central

October 31, 2019 BY

The fenced-off public toilets in Little Malop Central.

LITTLE Malop Central in the Geelong CBD is undergoing a range of changes, including a large stage for live performances set to be installed in the coming weeks.

This is part of City of Greater Geelong’s $315,000 activation project. The project looks to rejuvenate Little Malop Central by introducing movable seating and seating around trees; planter boxes; play equipment; 3D art on walls and pavements; and by reinstating the water feature.

The public toilet in Little Malop central will be temporarily removed while the works take place.

City of Greater Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the recent changes were part of a much larger plan to improve the mall.

“While there is planning underway regarding the mall’s long-term future, the council has taken action to improve the space in the short-term.

“With further capital works and a large program of activations to be in place before Christmas, we hope to see the mall start to become a more vibrant space that our community enjoys visiting.”

These works will see Little Malop central redeveloped into three precincts: live entertainment, socialising and eating, and a children’s play area.

The program was planned in consultation with the police, traders, property owners and other community groups. The council intends to continue communications with these groups as the work continues.

November and December will see a range of Christmas themes activities held in the mall. This will include a display of Christmas trees from different schools.

Cr Eddy Kontelj said he was confident these initiatives would improve the area considerably.

“It’s good to see work underway on the first step in a series of short-term initiatives that we trust will reinvigorate the Little Malop Mall for the community.

“We want it to be a welcoming place where people of all ages can meet and socialise with friends and family or spend time as individuals.”

The changes to Little Malop Central will be independently assessed to determine how welcoming, clean and safe visitors find the area.

With the public toilets in the area closed, other ones can be found nearby at Market Square Shopping Centre, Westfield Geelong, the Civic Centre Car Park, the Geelong Library & Heritage Centre, Transvaal Square, on the corner of Malop and Moorabool streets, Little Ryrie Street and the Waterfront.