MAPPED OUT Bellarine brought to life by map-making duo

January 23, 2019 BY

Bellarine brought to life by map-making duo

AFTER successfully producing and releasing an illustrated map of Melbourne in 1990 gendary map makers Melinda Clarke and Debor Young Monk have their sights  the Bellarine.

The duo is undertaking a largescale project to produce a detailed illustration of the Bellarine Peninsula, a task Melinda said they are both familiar with.

“We met by chance back thirty years ago. I did a lot of backpacking around Europe and America and collected a lot of beautiful illustrated maps. When I arrived back to Melbourne, I looked for an illustrated map and there was none,” she said.

“I decided I’d make one and began research and planning. I was looking for an artist to illustrate and I met Deborah through a friend, she was as passionate about the city of Melbourne as I was.”