Mark West Foundation scholarship program reaches 10-year milestone

February 11, 2023 BY

Mark West Foundation co-chair and brother of Mark, Paul West, said the foundation is proud to reach its 10th year of scholarship funding. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

CHILDREN at-risk of missing out on playing football this year due to financial adversity still have a lifeline available until 4pm on February 19.

The Mark West Foundation will reach its milestone tenth year of local football scholarships next month, 25 years after 19-year-old Mark West tragically died on Anzac Day in 1998 while playing in a local Geelong football match.

Foundation co-chair Paul West, Mark’s brother, said any families across the Greater Geelong region wanting to get their child into football this year were strongly encouraged to apply for the foundation’s annual scholarship program.

“We will again be offering 100 scholarships to local junior footballers this year, meaning we will have anywhere from $20,000 to $25,000 in funding, a max of $250 per player, in 2023,” Mr West said.

“The dream for us to see our scholarship recipients play in the big show, and we’re seeing around 35 per cent of our recipients being female players too, so that dream certainly extends to both boys and girls.

“Funding goes towards equipment such as uniforms, shorts, socks, and boots, but typically it goes towards club memberships.

“With these funds though, football is almost secondary after the life lessons that come from playing the game.”

To be eligible, the family of the child must hold a valid Government Health Care, Pension or Disability card.

Eligible players for the football scholarship funding must also play for a junior side associated with any of the following competitions:
Geelong Football League
Bellarine Football League
Geelong and District Football League
Geelong Youth Girls Competition
Geelong Junior Girls Competition
Geelong Junior Football League
Newtown Little League, and
Moorabool Valley Little League.

Mr West said players with a disability are eligible for scholarship funding as AFL Barwon, in partnership with Leisure Networks, announced the formation of Australia’s first All-Abilities competition.

Successful applicants will be notified 1-2 weeks after the application closing date.

If any boots, shorts, or socks are provided, there will be a pick-up day at Kardinia Park on the evening of March 10 (Labour Day Weekend).

“It’s a great day, every year we see at least 10 kids attend and we make sure everything fits alright,” Mr West added.

“Even some of the kids down the walkway and have a kick with mum or dad on the ground, it’s an emotional day, even more so because a lot of these kids have never had a new pair of boots before.

“A massive shoutout to our supporters at De Grandi Cycle & Sport and Kardinia Park Trust who make it all possible.”

To apply for a scholarship from the Mark West Foundation on behalf of a child or player, fill in the form at