
Marlins turn to Lions for help in the pool

February 16, 2018 BY

The Torquay Lions club awarded a grant of $400 that went towards purchasing uniforms for the Geelong Junior Marlins mixed Under 12 water polo team. Photo: PETER MARSHALL

THE Geelong Junior Marlins mixed Under 12 water polo team will be competing at the Tri-State Junior Championships in Geelong on February 17-18 at Kardinia outdoor pool.

Teams travelling to Geelong are from regional New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

The Torquay Lions Club awarded a grant of $400 towards purchasing uniforms for the Geelong Junior Marlins prior to Christmas, who have only just raised enough money with other fundraising events and grants to purchase the uniforms.

Team manager Deb Johnson said the team was looking forward to the championships with their new uniforms, with the Lions Club helping with the purchase of long-sleeve tops, and shorts.

“Our kids are amazing and all did their bit to help the team raise the necessary funds,” she said.

“We have had chocolate drives and an event at Supertramp too.

“Our first chocolate fundraiser was to be for the purchase of tops but as our kids paid country registration to play in Melbourne, their registration had to upgrade to Metro registration, which was an additional $50 per child.

“On top of that, money was needed for petrol to Melbourne and $90 per game.

“The kids are the youngest and most inexperienced team in the competition. They haven’t won many games but each game they come out with smiles bigger than Luna Park.”

Local company Cover Me Jules loved their passion and donated to each team member microfibre hooded towels, while Zoggs donated swim caps and goggles.

Whites Rural, an Australian-owned farm fencing company, assisted the club with a $500 grant for clubs of remote and regional areas.

Local residents are encouraged to get to Kardinia Outdoor Pool on February 17-18 to watch the Geelong Junior Marlins mixed Under 12 water polo team compete.