
Marty still on a high after silver success

April 26, 2018 BY

Marty Jackson, pictured with strength and conditioning coach Sonia Morey, is still on a high after winning a silver medal.

Ocean Grove para-sport athlete Marty Jackson says he’s finding it hard to come down from the high of winning a silver medal at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.

Jackson claimed second place in the F38 shot put, with a distance of 13.74 metres – finishing behind fellow Australian Cameron Crombie who won gold with 15.74 metres.

“It’s been a bit hard to come down from the high,” Jackson said.

“It’s been good to come home and be able to show everyone the medal.

“During the photoshoot (for the Bellarine Times) locals were yelling out ‘congratulations’ – it’s been such a pretty awesome experience.”

Jackson said his partner, and his parents – who had not been on a plane in 30 years – made the trip to Queensland to watch him compete.

“The kids were cheering me on from home, I had a live video going at the opening ceremony, which was something special for them,” Jackson said.

“My parents were ecstatic about the win and have been lapping up the attention.”

But Jackson said there was no rest for the wicked, and with just a three week break from throwing, he was already looking to future athletic feats.

Jackson said he was going to concentrate on training for the 2019 Para-Athletics World Championships and hoped to compete in para ice sledge hockey if Australia entered a team in the 2022 Winter Paralympics in Beijing.

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