Mayor’s Column: Cr Ross Ebbels from the Borough of Queenscliffe, July 2

July 2, 2020 BY

Another footpath is being built on Lawrence Road near the BP service station.

SINCE I spoke to you last, the recent fortnight of rising COVID-19 cases in Victoria has given us a timely reminder of how this virus can take hold and capitalise on the complacency of ordinary citizens.
May I ask that everyone in Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale please keep up the good work that they’ve maintained for so long, but perhaps even more so now with the school holidays underway, to be particularly vigilant.
There will be more people around our twin towns, the streets will be busier, our cafes and restaurants filling with people.
This is a good thing, for the most part. As I’ve mentioned many times over the past month, these businesses require our support and will continue to do so throughout the life of the pandemic and beyond. Co-operation is key in these circumstances.
Keep clear physical distancing when dining in or waiting for your coffee, show patience if things are taking a little longer than usual, and remember that a smile goes a long way.
The best way to stay up to date with the current restrictions, guidelines and news on the coronavirus is to visit the Department of Health and Human Services’ dedicated COVID-19 webpage at
Watching regular press conferences from the Premier and Chief Health Officer can also be informative, and most are broadcast live on television – if not, you’ll be able to find it across the internet.
In council news, the 2020–21 Budget was approved at our most recent Ordinary Meeting of Council on June 18, concluding a budget process that was our most collaborative yet.
This began back in October 2019 as we developed a detailed survey that was filled out by more than 330 residents, highlighting our community’s priorities for the upcoming financial year.
I’m pleased to say that with your considered feedback and suggestions, the Borough of Queenscliffe’s dedicated Finance team were able to present a budget that ticked all the boxes and has Council well positioned for next year and beyond. Thank you to everyone who took part; your voice is helping us create a better Borough.
On the topic of the budget, one of the things you wanted most was more footpaths in the Borough.
I’m glad to say that we’re continuing our work by adding another footpath on Lawrence Road near the BP service station, which you may have seen a photo of on our Facebook page.
This is a well-worn path for school students from Point Lonsdale Primary, and it’ll now be much safer for them when walking and riding to school, as well as for everyone else who makes their way along that route – be it to Springs Beach or somewhere else.
Be sure to like our Facebook page if you haven’t already to stay tuned in to the latest information from Council.
To the teachers and school kids of the Borough, have a great holidays, and let’s hope Term 3 brings a bit more joy!
See you around the Borough.

Cr Ross Ebbels
Mayor, Borough of Queenscliffe