Mayor’s Column: Ross Ebbels from the Borough of Queenscliffe, March 26

March 26, 2020 BY

Borough of Queenscliffe mayor Ross Ebbels.

IT’S no secret – we are currently living through a particularly challenging time. It’s likely that by the time this column is published, the various advice we’re receiving about limiting the spread of coronavirus will have changed. So firstly, before I go into any more detail on COVID-19, may I remind you to visit the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services’ website at for the latest information.

At a Council level, we have been working hard to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread of the disease within our community. Our customer service team is still ready and waiting to help you with your Council business, but for the time being we have moved to a phone and email-based services – the service desk at 50 Learmonth Street is indefinitely closed to the public. Similarly, with our Visitor Information Centre team, they too have moved away from a face-to-face service for the time being, for the safety of our residents and visitors.

The status of our other services evolves daily and so the best way to stay up to date on specifics within the Borough is to visit our dedicated coronavirus webpage at That is also where you will find updates on the status of planned events, many of which have unfortunately been cancelled or postponed due to the uncertainty around the pandemic and its potential to persist over the next few months. This includes our regular councillor listening posts, the Council-coordinated suite of This Girl Can sporting events, and festivals of which Council is a major sponsor, including SacredEdge and Low Light.

You might have seen a post on our Facebook page recently highlighting the efforts of our Community Care workers, who collaborated with Cottage by the Sea to distribute care packages of toiletries, tissues and other essentials to those who need it most. Council’s home care team continues to be on the frontline caring for some of the most vulnerable members of our community, and my sincere gratitude is extended to them for their tireless efforts over this period of uncertainty.

Many local businesses are doing it tough also at this point in time. One way to support our local businesses may be to enquire about purchasing a gift voucher. That way you can show your support for your favourite business now, and look forward to treating yourself when the situation has improved.

For information on coming Council Meetings, the Borough of Queenscliffe website will again be the place to visit for the most up-to-date material.

Please look after yourself and your loved ones.

Cr Ross Ebbels
Mayor, Borough of Queenscliffe