Meet your council candidates: Borough of Queenscliffe

October 8, 2020 BY


Susan Salter.

Susan Salter

Occupation: Retired Mathematics teacher

Where do you live? Queenscliff

How long have you lived in your ward? 36 years

What’s your involvement with the community? Currently councillor for Borough of Queenscliff

What’s your political allegiance? None

Who will you preference? None

What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support?not receiving financial support

What are the most important issues in your ward? Independence of the Borough. Good Governance and Financial  accountability. Climate change. Moving out of COVID and turning our economy back on

Isabelle Tolhurst.

Isabelle Tolhurst

Occupation: Writer and editor at a national not-for-profit supporting young people to access better work, education and life opportunities.

Where do you live? Point Lonsdale

How long have you lived in your ward? I have been a community member for 30 years, and a resident of Point Londale for six months.

What’s your involvement with the community? My family is deeply connected to this community. I am a great-grandchild of Henry and Charles Dod, who set-up the first post office and bank in Queenscliff, and made other significant contributions to the establishment of the township. I attended Queenscliff kindergarten as a child and completed my Bronze Medallion training at the Point Lonsdale Surf Lifesaving Club. My husband Woody and I are very much looking forward to starting a family in Point Lonsdale.

What’s your political allegiance? I am an independent candidate for the Borough of Queenscliffe.

Who will you preference? I will preference candidates who can collaborate effectively, and who share my commitment to delivering outcomes for the Borough.

What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? Approximately $4500, raised through donations and fundraising through a ticketed online show. All donations have come from a large base of individual community members, family and friends, all of whom are independent, non-commercial supporters.

What are the most important issues in your ward? I believe the most important issues for the Borough are ensuring genuine consultation and transparency with community; supporting community-led action on climate change and environmental management; developing a cohesive arts, tourism and retail sector that can support our economy year-round, and protecting our cultural heritage, including recognition of and collaboration with Traditional Owners, the Wadawurrung people.

Michael Grout.

Michael Grout

Occupation: Training Manager

Where do you live? Mercer Street, Queenscliff

How long have you lived in your ward? 30 years

What’s your involvement with the community? Currently – Queenscliffe Economic Development Advisory Committee, Point Lonsdale Civic Association Committee, and Bellarine Community Health Eric Tolliday Units Reference Group. Previously – Queenscliff Primary School President, Coutas

Football/Netball/Cricket Sponsorship Director and coaching juniors, Queenscliffe First Sea Scouts President and Cub Leader, Queenscliffe Community Association President 1995-6 (when we protected Borough independence).

What’s your political allegiance? I have never been a member of any political party.

Who will you preference? I expect voters to choose a Council that embodies some continuity as well as fresh faces, with a balance of women and men, both younger and older.

What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? Enough to pay for flyers, posters and mailing to out-of-town ratepayers. Supporters may buy donated goods at a fundraiser, eg garden produce.

What are the most important issues in your ward? Maintaining a financially viable and independent Borough with low rate increases. Acting on climate change with our community.     Supporting local businesses, particularly in these Covid times. Looking after our local environment.  Caring for our community wellbeing, especially those made more vulnerable by pandemic effects. Protecting our unique cultural and built heritage. Building trust between our community and Council.

Robert Minty.

Robert Minty

Candidate did not respond by deadline. From their VEC questionnaire:

I believe in a strong and independent Borough and a Council focused on its residents and local businesses. This will ensure The Borough of Queenscliffe, a very special place to live will flourish long into the future.

My formal qualifications of Master of Business Administration (MBA) equips me fully to participate in the administration, financial and promotion of the Borough. My experience enables me to interact with business and other levels of government and work in the community gives me an understanding of sentiment on issues.

Jacqui Pierce.

Jacqui Pierce

Occupation: I am a disability consultant and have been running my own business for more than 20 years. I manage complex projects and initiatives to improve the lives of people with disabilities. In my work I advise policy, develop strategy, and lobby and work with all levels of government. I have been recognised with significant professional and community awards.

Resides in: With my family in Point Lonsdale,

How long in ward? More than 20 years.

What’s your involvement with the community? Currently, I am Chairperson of Bellarine Community Health’s Community Advisory Group.  I have also been School Council President and a long-standing School Councillor at Point Lonsdale Primary School and Bellarine Secondary College, which my daughters attended. Over the years I’ve been an active volunteer on the Committees of the Point Lonsdale Playgroup, Queenscliffe Toy Library, Queenscliff Kindergarten and Point Lonsdale Civic Association.

What’s your political allegiance? I’m running as an independent candidate with no political allegiances. My campaign is centred on three platforms: integrity, inclusion and innovation.

Preferencing? Still negotiating that!

Campaign budget? Receiving financial support? I am self- funding my own campaign, with a very modest budget.

Most important issues in your ward? COVID 19 represents a time of unprecedented change, with complex health and economic challenges as well as unexpected opportunities. Council will need to develop and implement a robust COVID recovery and rebuild plan. You can expect me to work collaboratively on all issues including: supporting Council’s initiative on climate emergency, coastal inundation and protecting our unique environment;  ensuring a mutually respectful partnership between our community and our Council, focussing on human rights, social justice and reconciliation.

Ross Ebbels.

Ross Ebbels

Occupation: Hospitality Consultant

Where do you live? Queenscliff

How long have you lived in your ward? 38 years

What’s your involvement with the community? Long-time resident and business owner in the Borough. Inaugural QMF Chairman and Life Member. Very active in our community for many years.

Political allegiance? None

Preferencing? no preferences

Campaign budget? Receiving financial support? Cost of flyers and mail out. TBC, $,500-$1000. No financial support.

What are the most important issues in your ward? I will continue to work hard, engage. and listen to our community. Ensure the Borough remains independent and financially viable. Continue to provide stability and leadership during these difficult times.

Geoffrey Mathews.

Geoffrey Mathews

Candidate did not respond by deadline. From their VEC questionnaire:

The Queenscliffe coat of arms states my vision ”the safest anchorage for seafarers”. It is the start and the end of a journey for our residents, visitors and businesses to build on what we have to create the Borough of Queenscliffe as a must-visit regional destination.

I will bring knowledge of small business operation. An understanding of heritage and the significance of conservation. I am easy to approach, able to listen, research topics and make informed decisions. I work on management committees in a consultative, honest and positive manner and will build on what we have

Donnie Grigau.

Donnie Grigau

Occupation:  Restaurateur

Resides in: Queenscliff

How long in ward: Five years

Community involvement: Queenscliff Football Netball Club sponsor and volunteer, Cottage by the Sea fundraiser, hosted numerous political forums  (both sides!)

Political allegiance? I’m not endorsed by any political party. I am financially conservative and regard myself as a small ‘l’ liberal. However, my platform also proposes greater formal community involvement in Council strategy, policy development and project implementation. Such participation doesn’t really fit neatly into any political category.

Preferencing? While I haven’t allocated preferences yet, I will support other candidates who understand that Council governance is complex and more than one issue. They’ll need to: 1. Have useful, diverse skills. 2. Believe in balanced budgets. 3. Support open and transparent government. 4. Recognize such a small Council as Queenscliffe has limited resources and can leverage off the skills and enthusiasm of the local community to achieve some great outcomes.

Campaign budget? Receiving financial support? Don’t have one – so until I run out of money! I’m self-funding my campaign.

Most important issues in your ward? 1. Ensuring the Council remains viable through sound budget management while operating within the rate cap. 2. Ensuring new projects are only supported which reflect community values, and are based on a sound business case or demonstrable social need. 3. Incorporating sound environmental practices into Council service delivery and greater advocacy of strategies to improve sustainability locally. 4. Completing strategies and policies which maintain and protect the Borough’s distinctive character. 5. Preserving and promoting the Borough’s extraordinary military, maritime and architectural built heritage as a year-round tourism drawcard which supports local businesses. 6. Last, and definitely not least, increasing inclusiveness by tapping into community skills by significantly increasing the number of merit-based asset committees (which would manage key sites) and reference groups (which would provide policy directions).

Fleur Hewitt.

Fleur Hewitt

Occupation: Lawyer

Resides in: Queenscliff

How long in ward? Having grown up on the Bellarine, I always dreamed of raising a family down here. We purchased our house five years ago and moved in three years later following renovations.

Community involvement: I am a mother of two young girls and we are part of the Point Lonsdale & Queenscliff Playgroup and the Wild Arts Forest School. I am also in the Lonsdale Mums Wine Club.

Political allegiance?  None.

Preferencing? No one. I will not be influencing voters on who else to preference.

Campaign budget? Receiving financial support? $1,300, all self-funded.

Most important issues in your ward? The two key issues are: (1) climate change; and (2) responding to the impacts of COVID-19 and building for the future. We need to ensure that addressing climate change remains a core priority for Council. That is why I will not only support the Borough’s Climate Response Plan, but actively work to reduce Council’s carbon emissions to net-zero, encourage the conversion to renewable energy sources and aid the switch to electric vehicles through the installation of electric vehicle charging stations in public spaces. Helping our businesses recover financially from the devastation caused by the pandemic and improving infrastructure and facilities for all ages will be critical to the sustainability of our community. I will therefore look to reduce red tape for businesses, support increased outdoor dining and assist with COVID-19 safe plans. I will also work to develop new and improved footpaths, bike tracks and safe crossings, a refurbished skate park and a hub for playgroups, kids’ activities and a toy library.

Amanda Hoysted.

Amanda Hoysted

Occupation: Business Owner

Where do you live? Borough of Queenscliffe

How long have you lived in your ward? 11 Years

What’s your involvement with the community? My involvement with community organisations has been long standing, ongoing and personal. I do not believe that political candidates should use their involvement with community organizations as a vehicle for their own political campaigns.

What’s your political allegiance? Independent

Who will you preference? No-one.

What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? No external financial support.

What are the most important issues in your ward? I am standing for Council in this election because I believe that I have both the experience and commitment to help guide the Borough through the next four years. The twin challenges of Covid-19 and the looming recession are already testing us as individuals and as a community. Responsible, careful and prudent management of rate-payers’ funds and a commitment to protecting the Borough’s services are fundamental. Being elected as a councillor to the Borough is a privilege – not a prize. I am a true independent. I am not affiliated with any political party; nor do I represent any special interest group in or out of the Borough. I have been releasing a policy each day through social media to provide voters with a view of those issues I will be working to implement if I am elected to Council. Most of these policies will be centred on the responsible management of our Borough’s resources and finances. I believe that I have the professional experience and abilities to be a successful councillor in the Borough we all love so much. I am committed to responsibly managing our finances as well as safeguarding services. We will need to work together as a community to ensure that our programs benefit us all. As a true independent, my first and only commitment will be to represent every individual equally, to the very best of my ability.

Zelda Walters.

Zelda Walters

Occupation: Most of my working life has been spent in public relations, marketing and communications for a number of places including running the fundraising and auxiliaries for a major Melbourne hospital, working at a large PR firm, the insurance industry and as a consultant to several other businesses. For several years I worked in a voluntary capacity for Foodbank Victoria talking with produce growers throughout the state – organising food donations. I also visited many of Foodbank’s distribution organisations listening and seeing firsthand their operations and needs and reported back my findings to Foodbank.

Resides in: Queenscliff

How long in ward? Six years

Community involvement: If you have already met me, you will know I enjoy talking to others in my community, listening to their thoughts and issues – it’s part of being a good communicator. Through my involvement in PLonQ (Point Lonsdale/Queenscliff –, I have regular dealings with members of the Council. This has allowed me to get to know the new CEO, Martin Gill, and a number of the Council staff. It is pleasing to note changes are happening!

Political allegiance? Not stated

Preferencing? Not stated

Campaign budget? Receiving financial support? Not stated

Most important issues in your ward? I believe community participation is important for a cohesive and well-run Council. It’s very important that the voice of residents and the local community is heard and acted upon by Council. I would have the ability to bring issues to Council on behalf of residents. Council must work efficiently and cost efficiently. I believe this is an expectation of all ratepayers in the Borough.