
Michelle to dig deep for Kokoda and worthy charity

August 15, 2018 BY

Michelle Krivohlavek from Portside Marine Centre speaks about her Kokoda fundraiser for R U OK? at Portarlington Business Development Association’s function last week. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

MICHELLE Krivohlavek will take on a personal challenge of mind and body when she treks Kokoda soon.

And she says a charity she is raising money for could not be more fitting.

Michelle, the owner of Portside Marine Centre – Portside Bait & Tackle, is on a mission to raise $2,500 for national suicide prevention organisation R U OK?

“Kokoda is about digging deep and pushing through and fighting within your own mind,” Michelle said.

“Just like depression, stress, financial issues, family break ups, and fighting, even when you don’t want to keep going, it’s about ‘mateship’ and asking ‘Are you OK?’

“It’s three simple words if you’re prepared to listen and help.

“We should be supporting our mates carrying them out of the trenches if they need it, sometimes it’s just listening and caring.”

Michelle leaves late next month for Kokoda, where she will trek with “no roads” for nine days in mud and humidity.

“This has always been a dream of mine to do this, it’s a personal challenge of mind and body but an emotional challenge to walk where our soldiers have fought and fallen,” she said.

“It’s been six months of hiking every Sunday, finding hills and stairs where possible.”

Michelle said Kokoda was an important part of Australia’s history. Kokoda was the first time that Australian security was directly threatened.

“It was a war won by retreating and a war where soldiers were unprepared and ill equipped,” she said.

“What those soldiers faced the rest of us can’t even fathom.”

Michelle said R U OK? was about educating all Australians on suicide prevention.

“The stats are an eye-opener,” she said.

“If we can raise funds to keep this charity educating Australians and we reduce the suicide or attempted suicide rate then it’s a winner.”

To support Michelle’s fundraising efforts, visit  gofundme.com/michelle-treks-kokoda-for-ruo