Family fun in the twilight at miniature railway

December 19, 2019 BY

Start the new year right with a ride on the Portarlington Bayside Miniature Railway.

ENJOY Portarlington Bayside Miniature Railway with a twist this summer and head along to their special twilight run on January 4 from 4-9pm.

Vice President Brian Coleman said it’s a fantastic family-friendly event and a perfect way to spend time together over the summer holidays.

“Bring a picnic tea or have supper on site, plenty of room to run and play and get Dad up and joining in,” Mr Coleman said.

“Picnic tables, seats, electric barbecue and toilets are available on site. Let’s get everyone outside and have some playtime. A big thanks to all the volunteers who forgo their free time to help run the mini railway, they are priceless.

“Fingers crossed for lovely summer evening weather, with new members always welcome.”

In the theme of family fun Mr Coleman said they will also be running a cost-friendly day on January 12, with rides, food, drinks and ice creams all only $2.

“The great news is that everything on this day will cost only $2. Train rides, food, drinks, ice creams, now that’s not going to break the family budget,” Mr Coleman said.

“There will also be some piped musical entertainment from Robert Freeman’s Mobile Music Machine. Bring a picnic lunch or have lunch with us on site. Let’s get everyone outside in the sun and have some playtime.”

The miniature railway is situated in the grounds of the Portarlington Bayside Family Park, Point Richards Road, Portarlington.

For more information, head to their Facebook page or