New co-ordinator sought for volunteer assist role

April 7, 2024 BY

Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine acting volunteer co-ordinator and committee member Marita Scott says the vacant role is very rewarding. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

A LOCAL non-profit is in need of a new and energetic face to handle volunteers assisting elderly residents on the Bellarine.

Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine is on the lookout for a new volunteer co-ordinator, with acting volunteer co-ordinator and committee member Marita Scott taking a step back from the role due to other commitments.

Ms Scott said the vacancy provides a wonderful opportunity for someone to connect with the community and make a genuine impact on residents on the Bellarine.

“Knowing your making a difference for vulnerable people at a time they do need that extra help is a big benefit to this position.

“A lot of people who do move down to the Bellarine, tend not to have their same social networks of support, which is where we come in.

“It’s also a great chance to join a committed group of volunteers and lead that group in providing a great asset to the region.”

The role involves between four and 12 hours of commitment per week and oversees 30 volunteers and their timetables to support residents and their carers at times of grief, dying, death and caregiving.

Volunteers provide free non-medical “good neighbour” practical, emotional, and social support to local people with life ending illnesses and their families/carers.

Compassionate Hearts on the Bellarine support can continue after the death of a loved one, remaining in touch with carers and family as desired.

“We provide things like companionship and socialisation, a lot like a good neighbour would do, that’s the model that we operate on,” Ms Scott said.

“In those moments that our volunteers are a part of, they touch on joy, even during those end of life moments.

“This is a really important position we would love to get filled, so we would love to hear from whoever might be available.”

Applicants can email chair Pauline Nunan at [email protected], or by phoning 0499 775 275. Applications close on April 19 for the position.