
New group to provide united Torquay voice

September 26, 2018 BY

OUR community is tired of not being listened to by Surf Coast Shire and state government.

The majority of decisions seem to be made for the benefit of people with short term gains to be made rather than for the thousands of residents that the various levels of government are elected to represent.

The Greater Torquay Alliance has been formed to address this and provide a united voice, empowering our communities to lead the way on change and aid our representatives to make decisions that reflect community values. It comprises individuals and the following community groups:
• 3228 Residents Association
• Surfrider Foundation Surf Coast Branch
• Surfers Appreciating Natural Environment (SANE)
• Surf Coast Energy Group (SCEG)
• Surf Coast Animal Rescue Shelters (SCARS)
• Plastic Wise Torquay
• Danawa Community Garden.

The authorities are either ignorant of the repercussions, fully understand the implications of their decisions, or they are deliberately facilitating the destruction of our life spaces and coastline because of incompetence. None are acceptable.

The Greater Torquay Alliance president is Andrew Cherubin.

“It is time to pause and determine what is the population that Torquay and the surrounding area can accommodate so that planning becomes strategic rather than reactive with the best interests of its community and environment at heart,” he said.

We say ‘No More’ and oppose inappropriate and unplanned development in Torquay, Jan Juc, Bells Beach and Bellbrae. How can there be any strategic planning without medium- to long-term assessments being undertaken?

We are lobbying for the following:
• An independent impact assessment be carried out by state government with the terms of reference provided by the community looking at the effects of development on our culture, heritage, environment and economy. The assessment would need to have a plan and recommendations for future population capacity and for how development occurs in the future and would have to be adopted and acted upon by Surf Coast Shire
• A moratorium on major development that does not fit within current planning guidelines until that assessment is completed
• Permanent and legislated town boundaries and building height limits for Torquay and Jan Juc and Bellbrae, and
• Removal of the “growth node” status that is destroying our village character and environment.

In the lead up to the state election we will be organising a candidate’s forum giving the various candidates for South Barwon an opportunity to have a say about the issues facing our town.

We will also be organising a rally to stop development of the Spring Creek valley west of Duffields Road.

For more information follow our facebook page “GT Alliance” or have a read through our website at greatertorquayalliance.org.