New opening hours proposed for GRLC libraries

January 30, 2020 BY

People can have their input on the proposed changes up to the end of February.

THE Geelong Regional Library Corporation (GRLC) has proposed changes to the opening hours of the majority of its libraries.

People are currently able to have their say on these proposals, with the changes not set to occur before July this year.

Only six of the GRLC’s 17 branches have no proposed changes, including Torquay and Queenscliff libraries.

If the proposed changes are accepted there will be significant changes to Drysdale Library’s opening hours.
It will close at 6pm on all weekdays but will only open from 9am-noon on Saturdays.

Ocean Grove’s proposed schedule is identical.

On weekdays the Geelong Library and Heritage Centre will open at 9am instead of 8am.

The suggested changes would also see Barwon Heads Library open slightly earlier and close slightly later Mondays and Tuesdays.

Meanwhile, Leopold Library is set to be open an extra five hours on Saturday. Its proposed hours are 9am-5pm instead of 10am-1pm.

People can give their input on the suggested changes at

The survey will be open until February 29.