New route for safer access

July 24, 2021 BY

Changing Pigdon Street in the Portarlington Development Area is proposed to create a safer intersection where it meets the Geelong Road.

VICROADS has recommended changing the intersection where Pigdon Street meets the Geelong-Portarlington Road to create safer access for road users.
Pigdon Street is a key access road in the Portarlington Development Area Plan, where traffic volumes will increase as housing is established.
The road currently meets the Geelong-Portarlington Road opposite Waterview Close and the intersection provides a restricted line of sight to the left for motorists on Pigdon Street, entering Geelong-Portarlington Road.
In response to the VicRoads recommendation which aims to “resolve deficiencies” with the existing intersection, the City of Greater Geelong is proposing to divert a section of Pigdon Street to create a new intersection to the west.
The discontinued section of Pigdon Street would be transferred to the land developer, under the proposal, and the developer would be responsible for constructing the new section of road which would become a municipal road.
To view the endorsed Portarlington Development Area Plan, the Road Network and Traffic Management Plan or to make a submission, visit the Have Your Say page on the City of Greater Geelong website.
Submissions close on July 30 and council will consider any submissions before deciding whether to divert the road, as proposed.