Ocean Grove’s flora and fauna boost

May 28, 2020 BY

Ocean Grove Coastcare president Margot Busch was among the volunteers the CCMA recognised for their contributions.

A COLLABORATIVE community project restoring and rejuvenating an important coastal wildlife corridor in Ocean Grove was completed last week.
Ocean Grove Coastcare in partnership with Barwon Coast, City of Greater Geelong and Barwon Catchment Network, began the revegetation works in 2018, along the southern end of Presidents Avenue and Governors Place.
The stretch was restored in two stages to conserve the biodiversity value of the area; stage one concentrated on revegetation and native planting activities, involving several local residents.
Bellarine Catchment Network said maintenance measures continued before an extensive woody weed control program was carried out earlier this year, including the removal of invasive weeds like boxthorn, polygala and boneseed.
Margot Busch, Ocean Grove Coastcare president said the efforts from all parties involved and the community will have great benefits for the environment.
“Every little bit of habitat and indigenous vegetation is important when connecting habitats through wildlife corridors,” Ms Busch said.
“This community effort has improved the habitat and biodiversity of the site.”
City of Greater Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the city was “proud to have been involved” in this “important project” giving habitats and wildlife a “helping hand”.
The project, now complete, gives native flora and fauna the best chance to thrive from the street to the sand, according to the council’s rural and coastal chair Cr Jim Mason.
“Invasive weeds including boxthorn, polygala and boneseed have all been removed. This will improve the habitat and biodiversity values of the site and connect this valuable part of remaining vegetation from the street to the sand,” he said.
Bellarine Catchment Network will continue maintenance of the site with volunteers from Ocean Grove Coastcare.