One Ocean Grove park awaits repairs; another to get a $300,000 facelift

July 11, 2018 BY

The Kingston Downs Park playground was damaged by fire in May.

A LATE delivery of equipment is delaying repairs to an Ocean Grove park that fell victim to vandalism two months ago.

The Kingston Downs Reserve playground was damaged by fire in May 2018, and repair works are in progress and due to be completed by the end of July.

But City of Greater Geelong (COGG) director of community life Linda Quinn said there had been a delay in repairs due to late delivery of equipment, which must be from a qualified playground contractor to ensure Australian Safety Standards are met.

The delay has sparked comments online by locals who believe it has taken too long for the council to take action.

John Virgona said it was very odd that a playground could be orange fenced for so long with no obvious repair in sight.

“The council obviously know about it. The observation was that there has been no action, and it’s now the school holiday period.

“Here we have a mother walking by and wondering what’s happening and she gets told to contact COGG to let them know something that they obviously already know!

“Surely parents have better things to do other than contacting COGG and tying up resources answering questions about things they already know about.

“Why can’t they be proactive and just put up  sign outlining what is being done and when it is due to be repaired?”

MEANWHILE, Kingston Park Recreation Reserve is set to undergo a $300,000 facelift.

COGG allocated $200,000 for the upgrade of Kingston Park in its 2018-19 budget, with the state government contributing a further $100,000 in a grant from the Community Sport Infrastructure Fund to complete the project.

The upgrade will provide a unique, engaging and diverse play facility incorporating natural and inclusive elements.

Bellarine Ward councillor Jim Mason said Kingston Park was a favourite place full of happy memories for generations of Ocean Grove residents.

“We are pleased to be able to invest in an upgrade of this space to ensure it remains a popular spot for generations to come,” Cr Mason said.

“We are proud of the concept design, with its emphasis on access for all, nature, setting and opportunities for children of all ages to explore and challenge themselves.

“We are looking forward to receiving feedback from the Ocean Grove community at our upcoming consultation sessions. Dates will be confirmed in the coming weeks.”

The community will be invited to have their say on concept designs for the playground at a community consultation meeting next month