Painting with Parkinsons works feature in exhibition

October 31, 2019 BY

Cr Martin Duke speaks at the Growth Art Exhibition. Photo: TONY COOK

THE Torquay Painting with Parkinson’s group recently had some of their work on display as part of the Growth Art Exhibition at the Surf Coast Art Space in Anglesea.

An Art of the Minds event, the exhibition welcomed works from anyone who had been affected by a mental illness and has used art as an outlet.

Peter Morgan, who suffers from autonomic neuropathy, joined the Painting with Parkinson’s group about a year ago.

Mr Morgan was a builder previously and says he had never thought to take up painting before he heard about the group.

However, he says the decision to start attending the weekly group was certainly a good one.

“I’ve learnt different things I can do. It’s really good, I love it.

“It’s something I’ve never done before and I’m still doing it.”

Mr Morgan had his painting of an albatross on display next to fellow group members Jim Charlton’s painting of a kookaburra.

Art of the Minds exhibition curator Annie Cormack said the event was well-attended throughout and gave people a lot of opportunities to discuss mental health.

“It’s about people who use art as a therapy for their recovery from mental illness.

“People tend to spend quite a lot of time reading and looking, and it actually opens up a lot of conversations in regards to mental health.”

At the exhibition was also a tape recorder where people could sit and listen to Mr Morgan’s story of his struggle with his illness and how he has coped with it.

Other people had similarly recorded their stories about how mental illness had affected their life.

Mr Morgan said he was amazed the quality of work at exhibit.

“Some of the stuff that was down there was fantastic.”

The Painting with Parkinson’s group meet at 10.45am each Monday, with the first visit free for those who want to give it a try.