Pick up a free Victoria Police info kit

March 14, 2018 BY

THE Borough of Queenscliffe is encouraging residents to drop into its offices to pick up a Victoria Police Residential Information Kit.

“The Victoria Police Residential Information Kits are a very comprehensive resource for our residents,” mayor Susan Salter said.

“I urge our residents to make use of the information kits, especially considering recent burglaries and other suspicious activity in the Borough of Queenscliffe.”

The free kits contain a wealth of information to support residents in the unfortunate event of identify theft, electronic crime, scams and door to door sales, burglary and theft, personal and vehicle safety, family violence, neighbourhood disputes, garage and shed security and property damage, as well as a residential security checklist, absence from residence form and a set of front door, letterbox and telephone stickers.

Victoria Police Residential Information Kits can be collected from council’s offices at 50 Learmonth Street between 9am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, excepting public holidays.