
Pink Angels know what’s breast

February 6, 2019 BY

Event organiser Wendy Boddington holding the cup surrounded by friends, sponsors and supporters for the fourth annual Pink Angels Race Day Cup.

ON January 27, for the fourth year running the Pink Angels Race Day (PARD) took place at the Geelong Racing Club (GRC) raising nearly $13,000 for the McGrath Foundation.

Hosted by leading Geelong trainer Jamie Edwards, the event raises money to fund postsurgical garments for local Geelong women, and was created in 2015 by Wendy Boddington who had breast cancer herself at the time.

“I was undergoing treatment for breast cancer and was contemplating a mastectomy. I asked one of the nurses if I could have a look at a breast prosthesis and they didn’t have a lot to show us,” Ms Boddington said.

“They weren’t funded to have the kit. I asked how much they were and they said $350, I thought that was ridiculous so I said I’d buy one for them. That was the reason behind doing the original fundraiser/event.

“The nurses were paying for it out of their own pockets. Since 2015 we’ve raised nearly $58,000 for the McGrath Foundation. Every year I put money aside from PARD and I pay the accounts of postsurgical garments for ladies of Geelong.”

As a racing fan and close friend to local racing identities Janet and Jamie Edwards, Ms Boddington said she felt a race day was the perfect platform to raise funds.

“This year Jamie and Janet Edwards generously donated a 25 per cent share in a Starpangledbanner two-year-old filly, including training fees for 12 months,” she said.

Ms Boddington said she was blown away by the generosity of others with Blue Hope the winner of the Pink Angels Cup, trained by John Mc Ardle and ridden by Jamie Mott.

“I cannot say thank you enough to everyone who attended the day and our main sponsor Associated Cold Tread Tyres who have supported this race day since its inception.”

GRC marketing manager Jade Augustine said they were always happy to help raise money for a good cause.

“We are thrilled to assist Wendy and the Pink Angels team to raise money for such a worth-while cause. The GRC is committed to helping local charities and this fundraiser is a great day on our calendar and we are already looking forward to the next one.”